
Gold Nugget #10

Some of our infirmities might be a sign of our straying...But they are also a sign of HIS beckoning...

“You Would’ve Found Contentment In Me If You Would’ve Waited…”

Focus Scripture: 1 Timothy 6:6 This week is all about contentment! Specifically, I want to focus on contentment with our love lives. I’m going to start it off with a post I should’ve published 2 years and 6 months ago. I was single, working in a job and field that I’d always wanted to work in and I was taking some spring courses in college. My prayer life was very active and striving and I had cut off all distractions in my life. It’s funny how prioritizing a few key areas in our lives can significantly change our outlooks and output. Anyways, my mindset was in the right place and all I needed was consistency. Hear my heart then and I will update on this in the next post for this series.

Gold Nugget #9

To the anxious analytical thinker: There were times in my life where I would anxiously anticipate when another test or trial would come my way. "Is it gonna be my job, Lord? School? A friend? My love life? What area of my life am I going to experience failure or a let down next? What do I need to watch for??" As I experience normal transitions/seasons in life, I reflect on what I've learned in regards to this and nothing says it better than this: Fear God and obey His commandments (Ecc. 12:13). Simple yet meaty. Don't worry about tomorrow, or what bad can happen. Live in today and do your best to TRUST God in the most practical ways. Do your best to do good and let go of the contolling tendency to anticipate the future or what will happen. Forgive today. Don't gossip today. Say, "good morning" or "thanks so much" today. And trust God. It's amazing how much peace this produces at the end of a day.

How Godly Contentment Makes Us Better Daters

Before I begin this post, I would like to include a few disclaimers: 1.) When I use the term “dating” or “date” I am actually referring to courtship. Courtship is how believers “date” essentially. So as I say date or court, I am using the terms interchangeably. I choose not to get hung up on terminology in this regard simply because after reading so much Christian literature on courtship and dating from sound and good Christian authorities, I have decided that it is a battle that none of us can win. Depending on who you talk to, the term “dating” can mean anything. In this regard, just trust that I mean courtship and I will define it in this post. 2.) This post is for all those who are both currently pursuing courtship and especially those who are not currently pursuing courtship but would like some pointers once God opens doors in that area. If God has specifically deemed it not the time for you to pursue courtship, please still feel free to use this material among oth

Gold Nugget #8

Contentment in Christ says, "I am not concerned with comparing where I am in my life right now to where others are. I am going to be thankful to the Lord for what I do have and where I currently am. And I am going to trust the Lord for what I do not have and not worry about it, knowing that He has it all under control. I will keep moving forward in His strength without feeling pitiful for myself!"

Just Real Quick: "Bring On The Tests!!"

-The Gifts Are Great, But I Want the Growth! Just Real Quick!! Man, it has been a beautiful and wonderful season of learning in my life so far this year. I look back and realize how grateful I should be when I see how far I have come. One of the most important things I have learned is how important it is to find my contentment in Christ, especially through tests and trials.